Whatsup everyone, Today marks a special birthday here in Salisbury. It's the 3rd BIRTHDAY of 3rd FRIDAY! Catchy, no? And the weather is suppose to be a beautifully sunny, comfortable 82 degrees with birds chirping and... wait, actually it's suppose to rain. BUT. The show must go on! Like any good b'day party mere water from the sky will not slow it down but simply grease the wheels. Today everyone will be setup indoors at the Powell Building on the Downtown Plaza in Salisbury. I myself will of course be on display with comics, trade paperbacks and original artwork for sale, my current portfolio will be present as well for any onlooking eyes to peruse and any curious fingers to flip through. I'll also be sketching from start to finish, so if you'd like an original sketch this is your chance! Live music will be going on all throughout the day too, brought to you by the talented fellows of THE HOT MEALS and TEST KITCHEN. Along with this the AI&G's 2012 Abstract Show is having it's opening reception tonight, Plaza Deli (our newest downtown eatery) will be serving up it's tasty gourmet delicacies, the good guys of PLB Comics, Coldstream Studios and Trunk Novel Publishing will be selling comics, books, prints and sketches. There's also belly dancing from the talented Kostana Sidwell at OC Kabob, cupcake specials at Cake Art, artwork at Gallery 101, and the 3rd Friday "Flick on the Riverfront", hosted by Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council will be CAPTAIN AMERICA. Plus much, much more! If you'd like to know more just visit the Salisbury 3rd Friday facebook right HERE, or simply click the pic above. Remember to bring your galoshes and I'll see ya there! - D
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January 2025
© 2025 Douglas E. Draper Jr.