A little while back I taught an Introduction to Illustrating Comics workshop over at Salisbury University. This was the first class I'd ever instructed and as one could guess it was quite interesting. The experience overall was extremely cool. Having the chance to talk about a topic like comics, which I'm rather passionate about, and to explain the process of actually illustrating a comics' page was nothing short of great. Since graduating high school I've kept in decent contact with one of the great positive influences in my artistic life - that being my high school art teacher, Michael Morris. 1st ever comics page drawn by my high school art teacher, Michael Morris Mr. Morris was one of the 3 teachers who taught the VPA (Visual & Performing Arts) program I was apart of in high school, which eventually lead to me going to college at MICA. Like I said, a VERY positive influence. I told Mr. Morris about the Intro. to Comics class and it turns out he mentioned it to his current VPA students, so a number of them made an appearance. It was tremendously gratifying being able to give back in some way to a future generation of artists who are coming up & beginning from one of the very places I consider to be a milestone in my life. It also turns out that Mr. Morris himself showed up for the class AND considering I was the "authority" this time around I decided he was required to participate. So I "made" him do the assignment. Good stuff, right? In VPA we focused mostly on the Fine Arts so having the opportunity to bring comics to not only VPA students but my former teacher was, as you could expect, quite the treat. I gotta say too for his first ever comics page it's pretty impressive (show off lol). - Doug
Hey everyone, Lot of good stuff going on these days. One of them being this. Later this evening from 7-8:30 pm I'll be participating in a panel on "The Many Media of Young Adult Narrative" at Salisbury University, which is in conjunction with the One Maryland One Book program. Truly looking forward to this. I'll be accompanied by authors Michelle Ray (author of "Falling for Hamlet"), Cynthia Leitich Smith (author of the graphic novel "Tantalize: Kieren’s Story"), and graphic novelist and National Book Award for Young People finalist Gene Yang ("American Born Chinese"). Should be a hoot. Also, right before the panel from 5:30 - 6:30 pm I'll be conducting an Introduction to Illustrating Comics workshop . Where we go through the process of illustrating an actual comic page - from reading the script to roughing out the page, onto to drawing & inking the page. It's going to be a great time. If anybody's interested in being a part of the workshop check out the link to Salisbury University's website right HERE, though I think there's only a couple spots left so you'll have to hurry. The entire panel and workshop are free to the public and takes place in Room 153 of Salisbury University’s Teacher Education & Technology Center. So feel free to stop by and say hi. See you there! Doug The Many Media of Young Adult Narrative 7 p.m. Thursday, November 3 Room 153 of SU’s Teacher Education & Technology Center 410-543-6030 www.salisbury.edu |
January 2025
© 2025 Douglas E. Draper Jr.